Table of Contents

Preface 1

Chapter 1 : Anti-Semitism before the Modern Period 15

Esau's Tears: The Deepest Roots of Anti-Semitism 15

The Rise of the Jews 33

The Origins and Ambiguities of the Term Anti-Semitism 36

"Classical Anti-Semitism" 41

Christian Anti-Semitism 44

The Church Triumphant; John Chrysostom 48

The Charge ofDeicide; Jewish Survival 51

Chapter 2: Modern Times (1700 to the 1870s) 56

The Enlightenment 56 The French Revolution and the Jews 60

Napoleon and the Assembly of Jewish Notables 64

Contrasts between East and West 67

Trends within Judaism 70

Secularism and Divided Loyalties 73

The Liberal Years of Mid-century 74

Backward Russia and the Ostjuden 75

The Pale of Settlement 78 Russia's "Liberal" Experiment 82

Revolutionary Agitation and Tsarist Reaction 85

The Concept of Race 89 Blood Imagery 93

Racism and Anti-Semitism 97

The Evolution of the Vocabulary of Race 1 04

Racist Ideas Among Jews 1 1 0

The Ambiguities of Non-Jewish Racism 1 1 3


Introduction 1 1 9

Chapter 3: Germans and Jews 124

The German Problem; the Sonderweg 1 24

German Liberalism and the New German State 128

Junker Hegemony and the Jews 1 32

The Rise of the Jews in Germany 1 35

The Mittelstand and Modernism 1 39

The "Founding Years" and the Crash of 1874 1 40


The Press Campaign against the Jews 143

The Kulturkampf and the Jews 145

Bismarck's Move to the Right 147

Chapter 4: Anti-Semitic Ideology and Movement in Germany 150

Anti-Semitic Ideology: Wilhelm Marr 1 50

Anti-Semitic Ideology: Heinrich von Treitschke 1 55

Treitschke and Graetz 1 64

Anti-Semitic Ideology: Adolf Stoecker 1 68

Anti-Semitic Movement and Countermovement 1 68

Anti-Semitic Movement: the Peasants and Otto Bockel 1 73

Precursors to Nazism? 182

Chapter 5: Socialists, Jews, and Anti-Semites 185

Socialist Movement and Ideology 1 85

The Enlightened Tradition of Socialism 1 87

Marxian Socialism and the Jews 189

French Socialism and the Jews 194

Jewish Attitudes to Socialism 1 96

Social-Democratic Attitudes to Jews 200

Socialist Interpretations of Anti-Semitism 203

Jewish Socialists and Assimilation 209

Chapter 6: Austria-Hungary, Racial Radicalism and Schlamperei 212

The Polyglot Empire 2 1 2

Austria-Hungary: Between Germany and Russia 21 5

Liberalism and the Rise of the Jews 21 7

German Nationalism and Ethnic Insecurity 221

The Jewish Press and the Crash of 1873 224

Anti-Semitic Ideology 225

Catholic Antimodernism 229

Anti-Semitism and Humanitarian Idealism: von Schonerer 232

The Disintegration of Democratic Radicalism 234

Chapter 7: France, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity 239

The Evolution of French Jewry in the Nineteenth Century 239

The Third Republic and the Jews 244

The Rise of the Jews and the Dilemmas of Modernism 245

The Political Crises and Scandals of the 1880s 247

Nascent Political Anti-Semitism: The Boulangists 249

The Assumptionists 253 Anti-Semitic Ideology and Movement 255


A Gathering Storm of Anti- Semitism? 261

The Dreyfus Affair 266

A Dreyfusian Revolution? 269

Chapter 8: A Sweet Exile? (GB, USA, Hungary) 274

Jews in Nineteenth-century Great Britain 275

Jews in America: The Issue of Exceptionalism 289

Racism and Social Conflict in the United States 299

The Jews in Hungary 302


Introduction 313

Chapter 9: The Failures: Russia and Romania 31 9

Worsening Jewish-Gentile Relations in Russia 31 9

The Paradoxes of Modernization; the Kishinev Pogrom 331

Modern Anti-Semitism in Russia 342

Nicholas II and the Power of International Jewry 343

The Beilis Affair 347

Romanian Anti-Semitism: The Worst in Europe? 349

Chapter 10: The Ambiguities of Failure: Austria and Germany 364

The Appearance of Zionism 365

Anti-Semitism and German Traditions 377

The "Dormant Period" of Anti-Semitism in Germany 381

Anti-Semitic Agitation in Austria: Karl Lueger 384

The "Unpolitical" Germans: Langbehn, Lagarde, Chamberlain 396

Chapter 1 1 : The Ambiguous Successes (GB, USA) 403

Jews in Great Britain in the Edwardian Period 403

The United States of America: Still "Exceptional"? 422

The Leo Frank Affair 433


Introduction 439

Chapter 12: World War One 442

The Mood of August 1914 442

The Expansion of Germany into Russia 447

The Beginnings of Disillusionment in the West 450

The Peace Settlement 459

The Balfour Declaration and the Palestinian Mandate 467


Chapter 13: Jews and Revolution, 1917-34 478

The Jew as Revolutionary: Fantasy and Reality 51 5

Russian Jews in Revolution: From March to November 530

The Red Terror— A Jewish Terror? 535

Stalin and Trotsky 544


Introduction 553

Chapter 14: Fascism and Anti-Semitism 557

Defining Fascism 558

Mussolini: From Socialist Revolutionary to II Duce 560

The Jews of Italy 588

The Italian Model of Fascism 575

The Establishment of the Weimar Republic 580

Hitler's Early Career; the Genesis of His Anti-Semitism 583

Hitler and the Nazi Party 599

Epilogue and Conclusions